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The Wrong Melon Farmer
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Sacks is probably pretty okSacks is probably pretty okSacks is probably pretty ok
Old Jan 24th, 2007, 06:21 PM       
Originally Posted by Schimid
Originally Posted by DuFresne
I gave a lot of kids the middle finger in first grade, not knowing what the middle finger meant. I thought it was just a cool thing I learned to do with my hands. They didn't appreciate it the way i did.
OH MAN, I did that once. My class was talking about fingers in first grade or something and everyone put up their index finger. Some kids tried to be funny and put up a pinky, or ring ir something so I, not wanting to be left behind in this wave of social reform, put up my middle finger and the entire class gasped.

My teacher called me up, horrified, whispered in my ear to not do that, and I went home so, so confused.
Haha, this reminds me of something I actually did.

When I was very young, preschool-kindergarten probably, I started experimenting with my middle finger, and being yelled at and told that it meant something awful only fueled my curiousity. So I guess my incapability to control my fingers made my mother hatch this plan to tell me that if someone sees you flippin' the bird, they'll shoot it right off your hand. This concept terrified me, and somehow it came together in my head that there was an elite and massive team of police sharp shooters on buildings and unmarked cars just waiting for someone to slip up so they can ruin the shit out of you. I kind of wish this was the case, because then I'd know what I want to be when I grow up.
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