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Rez is probably a spambot
Old Feb 5th, 2007, 04:16 AM       
Originally Posted by sloth View Post
can someone with the power to make a difference please change angryhydralisk's title or signature to "IF YOU CAN READ THIS I'M TRYING TOO HARD"

what, you're trying to value your ignorance as moderation? the clarification is a bit much, but not toally unecessary, as GYBE fans will likely dig mogwai (who are pretty damn great, btw), and fans of that will be into the unfortunately labeled drone metal giants SunnO))), Pita, Earth, et al.

but since the thread specifically said ambient, i would say you might like aMute a whole hell of a lot. and i second the explosions in the sky, one of the very few post rock bands who have a sense of melody thats more developed than their sense of epic crescendo-ing, and that a GOOD thing.

one thing i dont understand is why mono are great and GYBE are shit. mono revive crap that was amazing in 1999 and do absolutely nothing new with it. i really dont get their fans very much.
Thanks, Moon!
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