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Old Feb 26th, 2007, 10:45 AM       
Yea I guess I can see that. It doesn't make it right in my book though. I'm a poor college student and I've had to have my car worked on once or twice. Luckily, I know the people who do my work and I trust them. I simply could not afford having some douche tell me I need all these things that I really don't so he can make an even bigger buck. Then if I choose not get what an "expert" says I need, I get to have this major catastophe floating around in the back of my mind.

It's like going to a doctor to get a check up and he's all,

"Yeah, everything looks good today sir. Oh, it appears you might have this AIDS thing. I'd suggest buying these meds (which I get hooked up on) to maybe prevent it from getting worse. Hell you may not have any problems at all, but really, do you want to run into a big problem later?"

Sorry, I think most mechanics are crooked mother fuckers. I'd trust my drug dealer who goes by Beef before I'd trust a mechanic.
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