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jared jared is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Old Mar 11th, 2007, 01:04 AM        Philosophy/Aesthetics of Video Games
There's a bit of a gimmick to my post. I partially want to invite anyone who has an interest in video game theory, academic or popular, to check out the website for an incipient print-and-web magazine/journal I've started. You needn't be a philosopher to contribute; check the guidelines and see if it interests. I do pay for accepted papers. Here's the URL:

But to get to some content now, I would be interested in hearing your views on whether video games can be art or not. That is, it seems that pure ("mindless") entertainment is not really art. For example, the Harry Potter novels (not art) are hardly Marcel Proust (art), right? So, if video games are intended for pure entertainment, it seems they are incapable of rising to the level of art. However elitist that sentiment may be, it seems like a sound argument. I don't agree with it myself, but what do you think?

Last edited by KevinTheOmnivore : Mar 11th, 2007 at 04:26 AM.