Thread: Adamsite
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Old Mar 22nd, 2007, 04:38 PM       
Okay, all I understand from this thread is
-Gabby would prefer to be a man
-Womti still doesn't understand what Chojin is saying
-Being born recently does not make you a native american, it just means you are related to native Americans, unless you live in a camp which I doubt because you're using a computer
-That is a very sad, general accusation to say that 'all woman are manipulative'. I'd of thought you have at least some pride for your sex.
-A murder is intended, whether you say you 'didn't mean to do it' or not. Manslaughter is an accident.
-Adam wasn't told it was fruit from the 'tree', she gave it to him and he ate it.
-Snakes have a history of MANIPULATION, and MANIPULATED the woman to think that eating the fruit wasn't really that bad
-It was a STORY, that doesn't mean you can base complete accusations on one source
-Women break up more than men because we don't give a shit who we're with most of the time, unless they are really special, so we just linger
-Why didn't you just call him ADAM instead of ADAMSITE? Where did you get the 'SITE' from?

/End Of Rant\
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