Thread: Our terrorists
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mburbank mburbank is offline
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Old Apr 10th, 2007, 11:50 AM       
Okay, Alphabatunnel vision, because I'm a contrarian by nature I went and read up on the Jundullah. Does it change what nterest me about the article I posted. No. In fact, it makes me more curious and more irate.

I agree, ABC (the news organization) could have and should have spent more time describing the group. If they had the article would have been even more alarming. I even agree that the term 'Pakistani tribal militant group' is a jourbalistically lazy and misleading way to describe them. I hope you are delerious with joy.

Having fixated on that point, you seem to loose interest (or didn't have any to begin with) in the fact that the article says both US and Pakistani sources say we are working with Jundullah, which you point out is an off shoot of Al-Quaeda. To me, the fact that we might work with, in any capacity, an Al Quaeda group, gives lie to virtually every aspect of our pubic foreign policy AND it's highly reminiscent of the way we worked with the Khmer Rouge, a subject you ought to read about because Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld were involved, it was a gross and illegal abuse of US policy and it led to massive genocide.

Do I think the ABC (the news affiliate, not the internet guy) article proved we are working with Jundullah? No. But i don't think they are making it up out of whole cloth either. Does the fact that they were shamefully lax in the description of the terrorist group we may be working with disqualifies every aspct of the article? Nope. Do I think the main area of interest of the article lies in the description of the origin and goals of the terrorist group we are allegedly working with. Strangely, even after 'fetching' for you, it does not.

Now. Having done your bidding and returned with a response, which I generally would not deign to do since as I've said (and now demonstrated) I think your views are miopic, I assume you'll do me the courtesy of reading up on at very least the actions of current administration members back when they were just starting out. My feeling having read all that is they are still just as ignorant, vicous, dangerous and arrogant as they were back then. Since their previous track record lead to genocide, I think it's instructive.

Feel free to disagree or be uninterested. I am able to accept that you are an individual with your own opinions and drives, capable of coming to conclusions you have every right to, even though you may not have read or thpought about each and every thing I have, even if I think they are relevant.
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