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Abcdxxxx Abcdxxxx is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Old Feb 5th, 2003, 03:37 PM       
"Since when has this had anything to do with nationalism??? Did the Jews have a "recognized democratic country" BEFORE 1948, while the immigrations occured in mass....?"

The largest immigration movements to Israel were as a result of persecution, NOT nationalism.

"I equate the two because you said they hold Jordanian citizenship, despite identifying as Palestinians. There are American Jews who fly to Israel and vote in elections, and then come back here to enjoy the benefits of OUR system. Do you follow, or should I break it down further...? "

Do YOU follow? The question isn't duel allegiance. (American Jews are not alone in this priviledge). No matter how you break it down, a lot of Palestinians claiming displaced status do in fact hold citizenship to a country. Their satisfaction with this situation doesn't negate that. American Jews might vote in two Countrys but they're not collecting fraudelent aid from the UN or the EU to do it, and they're not claiming they're without a homeland are they? A lot of money goes towards helping legit Palestinians in need, but it rarely gets to them. This is one reason why, and it has nothing to do with Jews of any sort. Sorry.
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