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JediScum JediScum is offline
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Old Oct 15th, 2007, 07:49 PM        Halloween-esque B-Movies
With Halloween ever looming, I have to speak of a couple of movies that I haven't read about on I-mockery (yet... still digging through archives) or in this forum. These are not reviews, just memories that popped in my head within the last couple of days.

Dr. Caligari - I have a copy of a copy on VHS of this and it is definitely a fave of mine. Made in 1989 by Steven Sayadian (who also did Cafe Flesh) it is one of the weirdest flicks i've seen. Googling for info yielded hardly any results, as most refered to "Cabinet of Doctor Caligari". Watch it if at possible.

Fade To Black - Way before "Some Kind Of Monster", a collection of old interviews with Metallica and the kicked out Dave Mustaine. Yeah, right, I wish.
An early 80's horror flick, that i saw the trailer for in 1st grade, eventually seeing it in 3rd grade on HBO or something. I haven't seen it since. The main character is a make up artist who goes nuts for some reason. Throughout the film he kills dressed up as a 20's mobster (with a tommy gun), a mummy, and a vampire.

Saturday The 14th - I saw this at a drive-in probably in 2nd grade. I may have also seen it on HBO a couple years later. It's a spoof of horror flicks from what I remember, and at the time, not seeing hardly any horror movies, I probably was bored because i didn't get the jokes. Also, I think there was another movie playing on another screen at the drive-in that had boobs on it, so i was watching that instead.

Trick Or Treat - This has been talked about on at least the forums but c'mon!!! Gene Simmons is a DJ. Ozzy Osbourne is a televangelist. Anyone who likes 80's metal that grew up in the 80's will have blood rush to their genitalia at the mere mention of this film.

I guess that's it for now on the spookniness or Halloween related. Otherwise, I'll start talking about "The Beastmaster". So check these flicks out. Maybe you won't like 'em, but maybe you will. This has been an Eyes Only Streaming News Bulletin.
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