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Old Feb 4th, 2008, 12:34 AM        What is it about having politcal apathy that gets people all RILED UP?
People my age seem to be so goddamn passionate about their views. I'm at college so of course a lot of shit is unavoidable. The busiest pedestrian intersections are staked out by jerks with pamphlets telling me to vote for Ron Paul, or stop rampant animal cruelty, or find Jesus before it's too late.

Of course lately everyone's got an opinion about who he or she wants to be president. I consider myself a left-leaning moderate that doesn't care enough about politics to really take the time to learn about each candidate and make a decision. I don't care enough about issues to get all worked up and mad over a candidate who has polar opposite opinions. The most passionate I can possibly be about something, as an agnostic, is keeping religion out of politics. But again I can't seem to get past the "whatever happens happens" mindset I'm in about politics. I just can't seem to care too much.

So why do people seem to get mad when I answer "it really doesn't matter to me one way or the other" when they ask me questions like "who would you rather see in office, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?" or "should gay marriage be legalized?" People get especially mad when I tell them I'm not interested in voting, and they give me responses like "You have no excuse to not go out and vote."

One time I told a girl that the first and only time I went out to vote (governor primaries, my parents dragged me out with them) I flipped a coin for every option. She practically exploded and told me that people like me should have their voting rights taken away if they are just going to vote like morons.

So I get yelled at for not voting, and then yelled at when I do vote for not doing it right.

What the hell people

Sorry if this post seems a bit lowbrow, but I don't want to reveal too much politcal ignorance and feel like a jerk
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