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Old Mar 17th, 2008, 09:24 PM       
I feel that the overall mood of the forums has changed drastically as of late, and I don't want to necessarily put the blame on the whole "being complete jerks to new people drives away business so stop being complete jerks to new people unless they really deserve it" imposition put forth after all the major site changes, but I was never too keen on that idea in the first place. When brand new people used to post threads, even if they were perfectly legitimate, they would often get derailed immediately and usually with hilarious results. Nowadays threads like those get taken seriously and are therefore not as fun.

That's not to say some current people don't need a kick in the ass every once in a while either. As a specific example, saying something like "I'm glad Cartoon Network brought back Mikaymoyi, this makes up for Chooky Chokey Sami Whammy" or a thousand "Haves you know I can score big time buds you think Pubs I am an high as kites now :420" used to elicit ridicule, and now it will most likely get ignored. I don't know, everyone just seems more apathetic about mocking other people, and when people don't get adequately mocked for the stupid shit they do they eventually think that said stupid shit is acceptable.

And I don't mean to pick on GW specifically, but a lot of what he posts seems to only be appreciated by Chojin and vice versa. Sometimes it just seems like you two have ongoing inside jokes that nobody gets. This is of course a personal opinion since I'm not too into video games and a whole lot of it goes over my head. It might not for most people, but this is just what I notice.
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