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Guitar Woman is probably a real personGuitar Woman is probably a real person
Old Apr 23rd, 2008, 07:27 PM       
So it seems like every first party Nintendo release is just a little more mediocre than the last one, which I then appreciate a whole lot more than when I first announced it's shittyness.

Example: I hated Twilight Princess when I first got it and was angry with Nintnedo for churning out such a mediocre pile of doodie after hyping it up the ass as the second coming. Then I played Mario Galaxy. I have since changed my mind about Twilight Princess and think that it is a really good game!

This either means that I'm disappointed easily and that I have to eat shit to realize how good a plate of brussel sprouts can be, or that my standards are being lowered ever so tenderly with each shitty new release. I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I can only think it spells doom for the future of good videogames

or something :<

Don't get me wrong, either, there are still fucking fantastic games like No More Heroes and PVK2 coming out these days, it just seems like there aren't nearly as many as there used to be.

Also before Zomboid comes in and jumps down my throat let me say that I'm using Nintendo as an example because the only new console I own is a Wii. I've only played a handful of games for the PS3 and Xbox Circle, all of which have been crappy to mildy fun, but probably still not enough to get a good idea of the general state of videogames. If I did I have a feeling I'd be saying about the same thing as a general analysis of the medium and not just complaining about Nintendo's aging design talent.
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