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VinceZeb VinceZeb is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
VinceZeb is probably a spambot
Old May 12th, 2003, 12:48 PM       
Max, I have no "sexual dominace" issue with you. You seem to be the one that keeps bringing it up.

I could also give a fuck less about your job. Or for you for that matter. You are nothing but entertaining internet fodder for me. Your existance in my life begins and ends on this message board. Once I am not here, I don't even give you a second thought. But I know I have to give you a thought once in a while, becuse I interfere with the confort zone you have here.

Also, would you like a gold star for being a dad? Everyone else does it to. No one wants to here about how you do so much when my father, your father, everyone elses father did the same thing.

When I talk about defending my family, I am talking about defending my family, my friends, and anyone else who needs it. I have used a weapon to defend in my lifetime. I am glad I am able to possess them. People like you would like them taken away. People like you also cheered when Ivan Drago killed Creed during Rocky IV and during the first half of Red Dawn.

And if you think you are clever with this Vinth shit, please take your cleverness back to the "intelliectuals" you hang out with. I'd also advise you take your distance away from me, because you are cramping my style and you keep steping on my vastly superior penis.

EDIT: Oh, did I feel a slight draft? That must have been sspadowsky giving his useless, uninformed opinion that a grand total of 0 people asked for!
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