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Jeanette X Jeanette X is offline
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Old Sep 20th, 2008, 01:15 AM       
Originally Posted by ItalianStereotype View Post
So are there any transhumanists in the ranks? Not sure what a transhumanist is? EDUCATE YOURSELF

In order to be a transhumanist, one must accept the idea of the technological singularity. Basically, the singularity represents the point in technological advancement where there is nothing that humanity can do that AI cannot do for itself, including self-improvement. It's almost like Skynet. Acheiving this is an important evolutionary step for humanity, though it may seem difficult to understand why. Ultimately, this will change the course, but not the direction, of evolution.

A transhumanist desires above all else to be more than human. Only once we've reached the singularity will we really understand how to pursue this end. We've already begun dabbling in at our relatively primitive stage of advancement, but most of us don't realize it. Artificial organs, retinal implants, our constant connection to AI in one form or another, all of these and more represent a massive paradigm shift towards a posthuman culture. Eventually, we will be able to able to integrate technology and biology to the point where we can transcend the human condition and quite possibly overcome even involuntary death.

Sooooo, what's up, guys? How is your day going?
Transhumanism all sounds rather masturbatory to me, frankly. Besides, evolutionary success is not measured by the complexity of the organism, it is measured by the ability of the organism to surivive and reproduce, or at least that was my understanding of it. Furthermore, what are the parameters that define "human" in the first place that must be overcome?
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