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Kitsa Kitsa is offline
teacup of sunshine
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: curator of the WTFbus museum
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Old Oct 24th, 2008, 09:48 AM       
I have another story I forgot before. It's about someone I worked with.

This doctor had a sister who was trying to start a bakery business. At every opportunity, the doctor would go on and on about how fantastic the baked goods were and how we needed to try them. Finally, she brought in what she said was her sister's "twinkie cake" and, essentially, it was a giant twinkie. So she laid it out on the food table and people did what people do when someone leaves a cake out for everybody. The doctor was asking everyone how they felt about the cake and everyone obliged her and said sure, it's great.

Then a week later her sister MAILS US A BILL FOR THE CAKE and it's like $75
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