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M. Blaze M. Blaze is offline
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Old Apr 17th, 2009, 03:35 PM       
Originally Posted by OxBlood View Post
I donīt think it has a 60hz Mode, no...I donīt remember switching to it, but I DO remember comparing Chieīs hopping-speed (her idle animation in battle) and it looked quite a lot faster in all those Youtube videos...about 20% faster and there we go: Bad Pal-ization.
Well, crud. I can't believe it's still that hard to include the freaking 60 Hz mode in PS2 games in the year 2009. Even the Dreamcast had 60 Hz mode in pretty much every game (at least all the ones I've got have it) and that system has been dead since 2001, so why do we still have to suffer from poor PAL conversions of PS2 games? Perhaps they think it's not worth the extra effort or something...

If thereīs one thing thatīs even worse than crappy Regionalization (is that a word by the way?), itīs german dubs. Augh, do we do a bad job dubbing things. If you want an example just look for the Halo 3-intro in german on youtube...itīs just utter Bullshit.
Halo 3 in German? That sounds like it might have quite a bit of unintentional comedy potential... thankfully most games don't get dubbed here in Finland. I've only really seen it with Disney games and some other casual/family titles as well as some PS3 games that wouldn't need it at all (Resistance 2 in Finnish sounds... well, embarrassing, thankfully you can at least change the system language to English to get the original voices).

And concerning Tidus...that Surfballguy is still about 3 Universes better than Vaan from FF12...stupid half-naked 4-year-old Shitkid.
That goes without saying. Apparently Basch was supposed to be the playable main character in FF XII, but Square-Enix decided that the series needed more annoying teenage protagonists.
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