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Kitsa Kitsa is offline
teacup of sunshine
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: curator of the WTFbus museum
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Old Apr 24th, 2009, 04:19 PM        if I turn up dead, someone please send this to my local police department...
I just had a really weird interaction with someone. I mean, weird enough to come inside and lock the doors.

I was out in the backyard spreading some pea gravel around my gardens, when I looked up and saw a guy walking through a backyard 2 houses away. I waved, thinking he was another tenant. They're always changing and I can't keep track of them anymore. He waved back, then he started beckoning like he wanted to talk to me.

There was a fenced yard between us, with yappy dogs, and when he shouted something I couldn't hear him. He gestured that he was going around. I walked around to my front yard and waited. The dogs from next door ran through the house and were barking at him through the front window. He said "Oh, they hate me, must be a personal problem."

I was thinking, okay, out with it.

In describing this guy I'm going to have a problem. He was tall, skinny, with a baggy white t-shirt and what looked like a Notre Dame jersey tied around his waist. The weirdest thing about him is that he was affecting these super-effeminate mannerisms. I'm not talking gay, I'm talking over-the-top Rupaul shit. He wasn't walking, he was mincing. He had one hand on his hip and one hand in the air like a Restoration comedy, like he was holding an imaginary cigarette. The effect was completely bizarre.

On an instinctive level, it was straight-up "I really want you to think I'm gay" Ted Bundy kind of stuff, and that was scary as hell.

He said something I didn't understand.


"Are you ever THINGLE."

I was so busy trying to take in all of the weird sensory data that I didn't answer for a second. I said "Yeah.." before I realized what I was saying, stalling for time, and then I said "No, uh, I have a boyfriend."

Then he made some dramatic "oh darn" kind of gesture, and said something like "Oh well, had to athk. So what have you been doing?"


I swear to god he actually did a little rah-rah hip swing and said, "Well, you go, girl!" Swear to god.

He started to walk off, and I said, "Sorry, I don't want to make it awkward or anything." He didn't answer.

The weird thing is, when he walked away, he walked in the opposite direction from which he came. I mean, he was walking through a backyard that must not have been his, and when he finished talking to me he continued down the street on the sidewalk.

I was so fucking weirded out by all this that I went in the house and closed and locked all the doors and windows. I'm glad I have a giant dog and a Harpy.

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