Thread: Star Trek
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Old May 8th, 2009, 03:34 PM       
Yeah, it was really good. I'm not a fan of Star Trek at all, and I don't think I've ever watched an entire episode, but even I got a lot of the jokes.

My friend who got me into the premiere is a RADIO STAR and had to introduce the movie; he thought it would be funny to say "AND MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!" Well, I laughed, but there was a lot of angry nerds who started yelling shit like "I believe the correct response is 'live long and prosper!'"

It's definitely enjoyable for even non-fans of the series, but it's got the usual small problems with movies of this magnitude: stupid jokes that get the stupid audience howling, maybe too much emphasis on action, and a couple characters that are nothing but comedic relief.

That was very funny. Well done.
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