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Aimless Aimless is offline
beautiful freak
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Oregon.
Aimless is probably a spambot
Old Aug 2nd, 2009, 06:21 AM        hi. hello.
Name- Melissa
Age- 29
job- none, I am broken.
where are you at?- Oregon
how did you find out about this site?- I stumbled on it years ago while searching for my favorite thing ever on google... slurpees.
what's your favorite thing about the site?- see above.
why did you start posting- I am bored of the people I know.
Level of Educ.- Some nursing, hospice.. etc.
hobbies- singing, painting, reading, drawing, people watching, movies, music, standard stuff.
fav. music/band- beatles, flaming lips, morrissey.. mostly.
fav. book- catcher in the rye and melmoth the wanderer
fav. movie- The Raven (Vinnie, Boris, Peter and Jack)
Fav. Video Game- Final Fantasy 8... yeah, I know.
fav. food- I hate food.
In high school you were voted most likely to...- be forgotten, having learned my lesson I never left an impression on anyone.
Is there anything else we should all know about you?- I like birds.
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