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kahljorn kahljorn is offline
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kahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contestkahljorn won the popularity contest
Old Dec 15th, 2009, 11:20 PM       
I know it looks like I am trying to be a condescending douchbag by trying to prove how cultured I am, but I actually had a genuine crush on Janet Leigh after I saw Touch of Evil that still lingers today. Also this.

Don't you judge me.
OMG the same t hing happened to me :O
I loved how she was a woman BUT also a real FIRECRACKER. "WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING MISTER"

MISTER GRANDI. haha i wish i could put the same enlglish emphasis on the way charleton heston or whatever that dudes name is says it. I'm fucking white as hell but I don't think Icould pull off saying "GRANDI" as white as that dude did it while in brownface
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