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OxBlood OxBlood is offline
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Old Aug 20th, 2010, 02:13 AM       
Hm, hard to tell for me. E3 is first, so most of the good info is already known when Gamescom starts. The whole thing was pretty dissappointing this year. Almost every game was shown inside those stupid movie-cubes (don´t know how to describe them better, but I´m sure you know what I mean) where you had to wait 2+ hours to see anything, be it COD, Diablo3 or Castlevania and 99% games where either just movies or hands-on presentations, in other words: Worthless.

I did play PS-Move though it was...okay I guess? A bit of lag and the whole thing felt a little slow but it worked in the designated Move-Booths. I didn´t work at all when we tried it in the press area of a company we know...they had one of those things lying around just for fun and the room was apparently too bright and the distance was not ideal so we couldn´t calibrate it...something you have to do before every game I´m told.

But Move still worked way better than Kinect, God that POS sucked. Didn´t get to play myself but you could watch them flailing around in those plastic-booths. I can only repeat what most other people on the net already said: Kinect doesn´t work and when it kind of works, it doesn´t make any sense. You have to move your whole body around slowly and carefully to do what a simple press of a button can do (Starting the fucking game for example).

So yeah, thousands of people standing in line for videos you can probably watch online by now. Quite some Cosplayers there too, don´t know what their deal was, along with a lot of people that really boost your ego as a gamer :D

But I´m not gonna complain, I can drive over there in 20mins, park for free, get in for´s a nice distraction for two or three hours. I guess E3 is still way more important but it´s good to have something like that here, we´re still in the witch-hunt aera over here concerning Shooters and stuff. :D

Oh and I got three (3) tags in DragonQuest XI Tag-Mode...and I guess the GC is THE event for something like that...three...pfff.
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