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Zomboid Zomboid is offline
The Wolf
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Location: Give me the coffee and no one gets hurt! LOL
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Old Sep 23rd, 2010, 12:34 PM       
Part of me wants stricter enforcement on the age restrictions so that xbox live isn't always filled with annoying little shits, but I really don't think we're going to see a bunch of little psychopaths emerging simply because they played some violent games or watched some violent movies.

My first R-rated movie was Terminator; I saw that when I was 5. I don't think my parents ever kept me from playing any kind of game, and I had no problems as a result of that. Shit, some of my earliest memories are of playing Wolfenstein and Doom. Most of us grew up playing and watching pretty much whatever we wanted, and we're fine. To be honest, I find the people that were really restricted to be socially awkward and a bit "off" much more frequently than those of us who have grown up with more exposure to the entertainment world.

Seriously, how hard is it to sit your kid down and tell him that what he's watching/playing isn't real, and all of the life lessons that he already knows (such as "don't stab people") still apply.

That was very funny. Well done.
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