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OxBlood OxBlood is offline
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Old Oct 3rd, 2010, 04:20 PM       
Originally Posted by DougClayton4231 View Post
It's not like God of War at all. The combat is much more fluid, the art design is amazing (reminds me of Super Castlevania IV), the protagonist isn't a douchebag, there's actual variation and skill to the combat, and you don't bang a bunch of chicks either. Overall it's a game made for Castlevania fans, not sex and violence starved adolescents.
Sounds good to me. Played the demo again just now and I think I liked it better this time around. Now, I am a Castlevania fan but more of the Sotn-Era games, not of the classics, though they DO have the best music in the industry.

My only fear is that it might be a bit like Darksiders which was pretty good but leaned on the puzzles too much for what it was. You entered a dungeon, you were faced with the local mechanism for the level and then you stumbeld about for 20mins to find levers, parts or whatnot and when you finally got what you needed, you had already forgotten why you set out to find all that stuff in the first place. Never finished it because of that...that and there was a lot of useless running around. Like a Zelda that went wrong.

Concerning Castlevania vs. God of war 3.
Honestly, I kinda lost my respect for the Gow3-Guys when they first showed Kratos ripping Heliosī head off. I mean...really? Is it really necessary that we sit a meter away from that stuff happening there? And...apart from that needless violence (which was really just there for the sake of being totally violent) really wasnīt a very good game gameplaywise I mean. Their only trick is to make enemies a 100 meters tall, thatīs it. Thereīs no plot, thereīs no character to anything in there.

Kratos is just a very angry and even more stupid man that wonīt listen to anything someone says and goes about killing everything in sight because he feels like it, thatīs Kratosī character in the third and he hasnīt evolved one bit since the first game...he would slaughter a fucking town because someone forgot to give him his change in a drugstore.

Oh, question for you Doug, there is holy water in the game as a subweapon, right? Itīs my favorite Which is kinda ironic, me not having anything to do with the guys that make that stuff
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