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OxBlood OxBlood is offline
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Old Oct 20th, 2010, 05:07 AM       
Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma View Post
While I find it hard to believe that one character ruined a whole RPG (one who basically just watches the game with you and isn't even involved in the slightest once you get past the tutorial. He's transparent from that point on,) you might want to bring that up with the higher-ups.

He was added in a later in development because Square execs (actually, Enix execs. This all went down after the merger and Enix's sloppy steering of the company) believed they would alienate their fanbase unless they had an effeminate male lead again. Lots of arguing went on over this, and the director, Matsuno, left the project. Thus, Basch was no longer the set perspective of the story, and Vaan was created. Not that it matters too much, since Ashe more or less steers the boat once she joins and becomes the main lead.
I read about Vaan being implemented later but I didnīt know the details, interesting to know...

And yes, it can ruin the whole game for me because the game establishes Vaan as the main character, even though thereīs no real main character after a while. Just the fact that you start out as him makes him the permanent main for me, my mind works that way. Vaanīs the main, his presence AND his voice ruin the story mostly. Honestly, who did his lines? *looks it up*...a boyband singer...great. As we would say in germany, it fits like a fist to an eye.

It doesnīt help that the story itself was fucking boring either. I never liked these political plots (but thatīs just me, I know a lot of people liked the plot of FFT for example) and I donīt like the world it plays in (let alone the fact that Ivalice is a "used" world).

In conclusion, there was a lot to like about FF12 but for me personally there was more to hate about it and it was all about the story and the character, the battle- and leveling-systems were fine if a little stupid. Gotta get a license to wear a knit cap, we canīt have you run around town without a fashion license, that would mean TOTAL ANARCHY!

Many people will disagree with me on this, but of the newer FFs, I still prefer 10 over 12...OR 13. Tidus is a fucknugget too, yeah but heīs not as annoying to me as Vaan. fucknugget a word? I think I just made that up...donīt know where it came from but I like it
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