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Guitar Woman Guitar Woman is offline
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Old Oct 31st, 2010, 05:49 PM       
Someone explain Dungeons and Dragons to me, briefly.

I think I understand the basic idea, a more free-form version of a board game that massive nerds utilize as a vehicle for storytelling, but I've not really grasped why it's a big deal. Then again, the furthest I've gotten in tabletop gaming is collectible card games. YuGiOh, specifically, which I played because my attention span didn't allow for productive games of Magic. Also, every single Magic game I ever played was completely one-sided, in which I'd manage to get three land cards and one monster out on the field before being utterly and embarrassingly annihilated.

Since I'm a massive fag and something of an emo I'd consider trying my hand at a game of Vampire: The Masquerade if the Old World of Darkness stuff wasn't out of print, if only to troll people by being a fishmalk or inciting fisticuffs inside fatally-enforced neutral zones.
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