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The_voice_of_reason The_voice_of_reason is offline
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The_voice_of_reason is probably a spambot
Old Jun 16th, 2003, 10:09 PM       
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
We are taking money out of our pockets to give to old geezers who want to government to pay for drugs that they could pay for with the discresional income they have

Yes that is understandable since only old people need medicine. FUCK YOU.

My father (who is 46) has had three heart transplants and a kidney transplant it takes $60,000 a year in medicine to keep him alive, my mother works at a hospital not because it is the best job she can get but because it has the best insurance program, they pay for 50% of his medicine making the meager $25,000 a year she gets worth it, my dad makes alot less than that because he can't work full time and still recieve medicare benifits (which he needs to cover the $30,000 dollars a year in medicine plus the cost of doctor visits, and the thousands of dollars in debt left over from his transplants.) Oh yeah did I mention that my mother was just diagnosed with Muliple Sclerosis and needs $6,000 dollars a year to halt its progress? My families annual income comes out to about $35,000 not much for a family of five, not even onough to cover my parents medicine much less living expenses. Now i can understand your outrage at medicare programs after all my parents could just curl up and die saving you precious dollars.

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