Thread: WikiLeaks
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kahljorn kahljorn is offline
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Old Dec 22nd, 2010, 11:28 AM       
What if I worked for Grumman and was working on a top secret plane for the military and took part of the design and posted it on a billboard on the side of the highway. Is the guy who owns the company that owns that billboard responsible? Or am I the one responsible because Im the one that broke confidentiality?
VERY NICE. But what about when you have a billboard labeled, "BILLBOARD FOR POSTING TOP SECRET PLANE PLANS FROM THE MILITARY AND BREAKING CONFIDENTIALITY" then you have created an environment in which posting these top secret plane plans is encouraged and provides an avenue for them to be taken advantage of. I also think the fact that you are looking for that sort of information makes you "responsible" in a way...
Torrent sites don't actually steal the information themselves and that is why they've been able to get away with it for so long (IN PLACeS LIKe SWedEN INTERESTINGLY WITH ALL THEIR TRANSPARENCIES IT SOMEHOW MAKES IT EASIER TO GET AWAY WITH "PROVIDING A RESOURCE AND OUTLET FOR HACKErS/INFORMATIONTHIEVES." But now more and more of these sites are coming under scrutiny and have had certain rules placed upon them due to these problems.

Furthermore, what if the billboard owner refuses to take them down cause its protected by freedom of speech/press/information? There's responsibility there right?
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