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Phoenix Gamma Phoenix Gamma is offline
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Phoenix Gamma is probably a spambot
Old Dec 23rd, 2010, 04:32 PM       
Gift bags are totally lame unless it's for a token gift or you're giving multiple things. Like, I'm not at all close to my aunt and uncle (only see them once or twice a year, and my uncle doesn't really speak english). So I got them each a winter hat and a bag of those fucking awesome Lindor Truffles. So I'll toss those in a bag. My dad's birthday was two weeks ago so we got him some clothes and a copy of Goldeneye Wii, and put all of our gifts together in a bag.

I bought bigtimecow a Nintendo Points card a few years ago and put it in an envelope inside a box inside another box inside another box. He was like "uhhh I hope you didn't spend too much..." Then he bought Paper Mario and never even beat it He never beats anything though so that's my fault for buying him video game related gifts two years in a row

On a totally unrelated note, after realizing every female in every group of friends I have is seeing someone, I signed up for OkCupid. As it turns out, there are some totally NOT awful people on there! Like...I would actually maybe date them probably! I expecting to delete my account within 24 hours after getting paired up with some depressed chick.

EDIT: As soon as I posted this, some chick with a dimly lit webcam photo and too much mascara messages me saying "what's up cutie wanna get to know each other more?" and her number. I take back what I said.

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