Thread: Rift
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Pentegarn Pentegarn is offline
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Old Apr 21st, 2011, 11:02 PM        Rift
Been messing around some with it. It is pretty interesting as MMORPGs go.

While you play these holes in the sky open up (they can be minor or major) and small swarms of monsters come out of them. Occasionally several will open up at once as one of the outer planes starts a full scale invasion on a zone, and they will destroy all npcs in the area if left all unchecked. Players have to band together and defeat the mobs.

The class system is kind of interesting, you have the 4 basic classes of which you choose one to be (mage, cleric, rogue, warrior) and 8 sub classes in each. You choose 3 and then set up a spec within those spec trees.

Kind of fun so far, and since I don't have the free time I once had and this game can be played for small 30 minute sessions and still accomplish something, it is a pretty good fit for me.
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