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Old Jul 2nd, 2003, 02:23 PM       
My understand would be as, a smillion pounds of crappy ass rocks sits under ground for a long time. A smillion years later it compresses and becomes gold or diamonds.
A bunch of useless molecules and atoms floating around space gather together to create a star. Same with a planet.

That one has really easy examples, the life and birth of every single thing in this universe(including thoughts and ideas). Stars and all. Stars turn to nebulas, which someday get turned into stars again. the cycle of birth and rebirth and squeezed somewhere between the death part.

Yea, another easy one. Evolution is exactly that, evolution occurs in a few ways, by adjusting to the enviroment, or by killing off any rivals. As seen in the Neandrothal(sp?) and Homosapien pasts.
Static electricity may be another? Friction of two objects. Gravity. Especially in the case of the moon, which isn't necessarily so decisive as some of the others in matters of co-existence, but without the moon there would be no tide (and the axis would be all fucked up, which correlates again to change the seasons, which fucks us over) and without that there'd be bad things.
The ECOSYSTEM is a more complicated thing, that also involves the second law thingi you stated. In fact it even has the first squeezed in there. Now that I think about it all of the things are all three, if you twist it enough. Twisty twist.
I'm pretty fucked up right now, sorry if I don't make sense or I missed details.
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