Thread: "Waking Life"
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Anti-Xocial Anti-Xocial is offline
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Old Jul 24th, 2003, 05:01 PM        "Waking Life"
A truly remarkable Independant film by Richard Linklater, he wrote, directed, filmed and participated in it!
The film is a genuine creative gem! Linklater, integrated real film, with cartoon and computer technology and came out with this philosophical and thought-provoking animated feature.
I saw it last night, and my initial reaction was first to switch channels BUT, I decided to give it another (15-minute) chance; Later, I realized how lucky I was for having done that!

I won't give the point away but, it is really hard describing it without making it sound amazingly boring (which it definitely wasn't!!):
Basically, you follow the main character, Wiley Wiggins, and meet all the different characters and people he meets on his path of "Coinsidence". He speaks to all sorts of intelligent minds and hear them out on their take on LIFE, truth and death. It was, without any doubt, one of the best movies I have seen this year!

If anyone sees this, please be sure to write back on what you thought of it. I am interested in what others here think of it.

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