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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, NY
El Blanco is probably a spambot
Old Aug 6th, 2003, 01:21 PM       
1. the african embassies where outside of the USA and while no one likes to see stuff blown up in africa less than i do, lets face facts them there are savage lands, and those things are bound to happen from time to time.
American Embassies= American soil. And it was an al Queda job.

And what the fuck kind of answer is "those things are bound to happen from time to time. "?

as for OK city, thanks for your evaluation agent mulder.
Actually, its the evaluation of real FBI agents. Not some big government conspiracy, but Reno and the Clinton syndicate dropped the ball on the investigation.

what was the death toll up to? 700 something?
"Globally, the epidemic has claimed more than 800 lives and caused more than 8,400 infections in nearly 30 countries."

Considering that most of those countries can be considered 3rd World and now China claims to have a reliable cure, I'd say thats not too bad. I mean AIDS kills more people in Africa everyday, but you're not claiming some shaddow government made it as a bio weapon.

cause the only attacks that matter are ones that fuck up a lot of rich people in NYC.
YEs, only rich people worked in WTC. There were no middle and lower class people killed in that. No waitresses, and building staff. All those firefighters were millionares like my brother, who lives in a huge palacial estate in Connecticut with all he makes from the FDNY.

Only rich people lost there homes and jobs and ways of life when the entire downtown area was shut off.

Fucking moron.

4. sorry, was going for a bit of dramatic effect, but in my book ANY DEAD SOLDIERS AT ALL ARE FAR FUCKING TOO MANY TO SETTLE the score between PAPPY Bush and SADDAM.
I guess all those liberated Iraqis don't mean anything.

no wmd, no saddam, no links to al quedea, no nuclear program, etc., billions of dollars spent, one hundred and fiddy some soldiers dead.

smells like victory to me.
Saddam is ousted, most of his command crew is dead or captured and singing, we are fortifying our postions and currently searching for the WMD. That will probably take some time. HE had about 12 years and then some to get rid of them.

6. your mother was not suprised the day the doctors told her you were a retard, the thing that suprised her was that she could actually have given birth out of her rectum.
What the fuck was that? Seriously. Weak, dude, is what that was. If you want to call me a retard, the least you can do is not butcher the English language in the process.

Tell you what: after recess, go ask your English teacher about grammar and syntax.

WRONG! And that's just one article.

Over 140 communities and three states have passed resolutions against the PATRIOT Act. The House of Representatives voted by about a 75% majority to prohibit sneak-and-peak searches, which are allowed by PATRIOT but are a flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment. The Senate has a bill on the floor to overturn certain provisions of the PATRIOT Act because they abuse civil liberties. The ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of several groups challenging the constitutionality of the PATRIOT Act.
So, you mean the government passed a bill to curb the patriot act and preserve our liberties? Isn't that the opposite of what the kid was saying?

Oh, sorry. It's usually only about two a day. No reason to be upset over piddly crap like two human lives.
Soldiers died in every action we've taken. Does this mean invading Germany and the Paciffic Islands was wrong? That trying to help Somalia was wrong?

I have family serving there now. I don't want to see harm come to them. But, my cousin tod his mother something before he went off "Its my job. Its what I trained for." I don't want him to get hurt, but I respect him and support him and the mission.

But, I guess as soon as something gets messy or difficutl, we need to leave, right? Its that attitude that allows the slaughter of Rawanda and the famine of Somalia to continue.

Well, I guess you haven't paid attention to the prez's speeches and press conferences, have you?
Ya, most of them. I admit I get disinterested with the same crap over and over, though.

He is a lousy speaker. It just ain't him. He can't do a prepared speech after traveling to 15 states getting 2 hours sleep over the last week and dealing with an endless parade of faces and speeches.

He speaks well from the heart though.

Dubya is gonna get drilled in debates.
By whom?

His administration has done a lot of bad things,
Says you.

Amidst my bitch-slapping of El Blanco
Pardon me? A what of me?

El Blanco, instead of getting all upset, make some predictions. It's not like you'll make any money if they come true, but "I told you so's" have to be worth something, right?
I'm not upset. I just have this uncontroable need to fix things.

As for "I told you so", its the most worthless phrase in the English language.

BUt, let me take a shot:

1) Bush will win a second term because of the lack of any real Democrat to step up to him

2) Ashcroft will resign (they didn't really want him anyway) and be replaced by Rudy Guiliani

3) Cheney will step down and Rice will step up

4) The Giants will win the SuperBowl on the back of Tiki Barber and his 1500 yard season

5) The Timberwolves will win the NBA Finals

6) A more leftwing government will step in Iran on the wave of popular vote.

7) A US friendly government will take up in Iraq

8) We will start hardballing the Saudis and ask questions about why 17 of the highjackers came from there and why all that money went through there.

9) Saddam will be found but Ossama won't (he is under a few million tons of rock)
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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