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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, NY
El Blanco is probably a spambot
Old Aug 6th, 2003, 02:00 PM       
You can't legally own a gun in the UK either. And guess what? our gun crime is proportionately much, much, MUCH lower than that of the states.
Youtake stats differently. Its only considered a gun crime if the criminal is charged with weapon possesion. HE can plead that away and it doesn't get counted.

In the US our FBI counts the guns that are withing a five mile radius.

And what is your crime rate compare to Switzerland, where everyone has an assault rifle in their closet?

If all you can get passionate about is the right to bear arms you must have a pretty paranoid, self-obsessed empty existence.
How so? Would you say that about freedom of speech?

Like I said, if all the idiot wank-fantasists who own these phalluses
What is it with the gun control nuts and the penis? Why do you always bring that up? I don't think you can say the pro-gun people have an obsession with it.

shooting each other the rest of the world wouldn't have to listen to their neanderthal crap anymore.
Ya, you can just sit back and let the invaders tell you what you are gonna take.
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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