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Mad Melvin Mad Melvin is offline
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Old Aug 30th, 2011, 07:15 PM       
Played through it just now. Amazing game. The endings were ok, but the weakest part of the game for sure. Some bitch about the bossfights, but I really had no problem with them. They reminded me of Metal Gear Solid, and I love Metal Gear Solid so shut up you fucking losers. I would have liked more sidemissions though, and maybe have the other characters comment all the stupid shit you've done during the game.

I have to say, they really got the feel of the first Deus Ex just right, and I like the fact that you are rewarded for exploring. Every mission has multiple ways of getting to the goal and there's just enough stuff that makes the impression that every action has a consequence. FOR EXAMPLE: If you steal all the credits and whatnot from the offices in Sarif building and check your email later in the game, the employees have sent you mail regarding someone stealing shit from their rooms. You are the security officer, after all.

EDIT: Also, the endings are a little different depending on how you played the game. Or at least I think they are. A friend of mine chose the same ending I did, and that would be the fourth one where Adam goes down with the facility. In my version, Adam talked about humanity and how no one has the right to choose where it's going etc. My friend played as a homicidal maniac and acted like an asshole towards everyone, and in the end Adam regrets he was such a dick and talks about how he killed far too many people and so on.
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