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kahljorn kahljorn is offline
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Old Apr 18th, 2006, 07:23 PM       
It costs time and money to drive to a drive through. I don't really care how close to a mcdonalds you live it's still going to take ten-15 minutes to get there and back. There's lots of things you can make in ten or fifteen minutes. You might as well admit you guys are lazy and enjoy eatting shit, along with having bad taste. Not that I don't eat it or anything.

Most food you just let simmer or cook while you wander around and do whatever anyway. Also the doctor's bills you pay for being unhealthy more than make up for it. Eatting a piece of fruit takes less time than getting a hamburger at mcdonalds(take that). Plus when you pay extra you're using money you worked to earn to pay for it. As I'm sure somebody in this thread has mentioned, and you yourself implied, time is money, money is time. Plus considering the fact it takes an amount of time off of your life, along with adding a percentage of torment and possible self-shittage towards the end, the long-term effects of it don't really balance out-- time wise nor money wise.

Also by the way I don't know if you guys know this, and I kind of implied it towards the top, but your cars that you are driving around function off of gasoline this substance that burns away quite quickly and you have to refill it occasionally or your car will stop working and when you refill it you have to pay money. Just thought you guys might want to throw that into your calculations.

I understand the whole convenience thing, though. It sucks having to clean up after cooking.
Fast food does start to taste kind of bland though if you eat good food. It has no real flavor. Eatting good food that you cook yourself is way more rewarding, and it puts you in a better mood and makes you feel better.
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