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Old Jul 31st, 2006, 04:44 PM       
VERTIGO, Goddess of Insanity
a.k.a. "The Mesmerizing Sorceress," "I am Woman, Hear Me Hiss"
Based on: king cobra, Sellosaurus (mistakenly named "Efraasia")
Height: 18 feet
Length: 48 feet
Weight: 1.3 tons
Rage Factor: +120.37%
Consumption Rate: 597 lbs. per day
Domain: the Tomb, a grassy knoll with Stonehenge-style rock structures.
Images of Vertigo's petrified enemies are visible in the leftmost stones.
A full moon is in the sky.

The only female PR critter, Vertigo has a body shaped somewhat like that
of a Sellosaurus (a young Sellosaurus was once mistakenly called
"Efraasia", hence the word in GamePro's articles & PR Strategy Guide).
Like Sellosaurus, she is a lightly built with legs longer than her
forearms, and has a long neck & tail. Unlike Sellosaurus, she has only two
fingers on her front hands (Sellosaurus had five) and the head & hood of a
king cobra. Her hood is outlined with small spikes, and has white markings
on its back resembling a long-toothed skull. Her original name was
"Cobrasaur," but that was too obvious. ^_^ She spits venom and hisses
instead of crying out.
Vertigo can't jump much higher than Armadon; she's only a little
faster than him on the ground, and *painfully* slow in the air unless she
uses a long jump or hop jump. Vertigo is the weakest PR character in terms
of damage per attack, but her attacks possesses the longest reach, and
that combined with her Come Slither special move lets her do combos up to
14 hits on any opponent, in or out of the corner. She can cast spells,
too; her teleports and unblockable "Voodoo Spell" help make up for her
lack of a regular throw or leaping attack. Unlike the rest of the PR gang,
she cannot kick with her hind legs. Her lack of any basic or special
anti-air move outside of some jumping attacks is a significant liability.
Vertigo bears no relation whatsoever to that loopy count from "Batman
Adventures," or that mutantess from the X-Men cartoon...
[from action figure Primal Profile]: "Total insanity governs Vertigo's
every action. With her mesmerizing powers of mind control and mastery of
the unknown, she has attained mythical proportions among her followers.
Vertigo's followers are loyal and their devotion is complete, fanatical
and blind. She believes the defeat of all other dino-beasts can only be
accomplished by utilizing her sorcery and the power of her devout
followers... if she doesn't destroy their minds first."
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