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Babs Babs is offline
filthiest soap dish
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: tri county area
Babs is probably a spambot
Old Nov 19th, 2009, 06:25 PM       
Nothing's more embarrassing than my girl friends two brothers. One is 14 who continuously keeps gaining weight, he's roughly around 260 and I get so disgusted every time I look at him. Always fucking bitching about who ate his cupcakes and shit. STUPID FAT FUCK. The other is 18 and tries to act "gangsta" and is a dopey dumbass that looks like a dog with down syndrome. He's a sick fuck, I went into his computer history and saw nothing but the history being flooded with rape porn and rape fantasy porn. He's a little piece of shit, always talking behind my back. So one day, I decided to confront him at this bonfire we had behind my girlfriend's parents place, the little prick had nothing to say. I told him straight to his face, "I don't know what's wrong with you and your family, but you need cut out the bullshit and if you have anything to say, say it now or just have it come back and get you later". Just like a dog with it's tail in between its legs, the Lil' Wayne impersonator had nothing to say. GOD DAMNIT! I hate her fucking family and their thieving, conniving, stubborn, pathetic lives.
"That's how much fuck fish." -John Laroche
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