Thread: Brute Force
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Les Waste Les Waste is offline
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Old Jun 18th, 2003, 02:32 AM       
I saw a feature for this game on G4 and it reminded me of those old 2-D, side-scrolling arcade fighting games like Final Fight. There were always 3 or 4 characters, there was the guy who was slow but strong, the guy who was fast but weak, the guy who was average, and sometimes there was a guy like a wizard who was slow and weak but good at magic. I saw this feature and saw there were four characters with different abilities and thought of that. I fucking suck.

Bobo Adobo is funnier and smarter than all of you, proven by the fact that he is currently in a high-paying and important government job where he earns a fat cash paycheck and much pussy. How did he get so famous and successful you ask? It's simple: he has never, in his entire life, watched one second of anime.
- Outerspacekid
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