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Old May 17th, 2005, 12:07 PM        Classic Metalfest 5
Band "review" of CMF5 for you posers that didn't go. Excluding "posers" to overseas metalfiends.


Black Widow USA -They were Awesomeness.

Ravensthorn-I missed em but I was told they were awesome! Got the cd, the singer's voice is incredible!! I'll make it a point to catch them next time!

CATCH 22 -Didn't like them much. But glad they had enough conviction to play.

IRON CROSS-Long time fan of these boys, they were once again killer, the singer looks a bit different he got purple streaks put in his hair.

OCTOBER 31- Video taped thier set from the front row, I love these guys more than anything. These are some of the guys I work with.

ATTACKER-Bob Mitchell has one of the most amazing voices ever and they slay every show!

DR. MASTERMIND/WILD DOGS-Perfect example of a classic band that still rocks hard as ever and as good as ever.

ROTTWEILLER-yet another example of old school kicking kids in the ass. My heart's with em!

HELL I FEEL-Missed em due to working in the other room.


NECRODEMON-Missed them b/c I was in the shower, but I heard they were very very good!!! It's a shame they were on so early!

FRANKENSHRED-Missed em b/c I was getting dressed.

STORM WITHIN-Missed em b/c I was taking whiskey like a good metalhead.

KNIGHTS OF TETHYS-these guys were pretty cool, the singer had a great voice. I got a CD from em but haven't listened to it yet.

SKULLVIEW-One of my favorites. the new singer Eric fits much better than Quimby did. Quimby may have been an amazing singer technically, but this guy just gels better. I was up front going nuts!

TWISTED TOWER DIRE-Yet another band I was upfront for. Kicked major ass, I love these guys too. Then again I don't have a choice hahaha!!!!

GOAT HORN- Younger group, but they had "old school" down pat. Thier performance blew me away I wasn't expecting them to be such killer showmen while blasting the best new thrash I've heard in forever!

STONE VENGEANCE-Jammed like crazy, I'm a big fan of em. They've been around since like 78 and still kicking! Covered "Black Metal" so I freaked!!

(From Italy.)-Saw some of thier set, I had to go help load equipment, but what I saw was pretty cool!

(ex-ICED EARTH/PURGATORY members.)-Ehhhh, I didn't care much for em.

(80'S L.A. band on Metal Blade and Wild Rags.)-Missed em b/c I was Loading equipment once more.

(Exclusive set list for the CMF. Last time they'll ever play the old songs.)-Biggest dissapointment of the fest. I was really upset by it until we started laughing about it.

(ex-BLOODFEAST/HEADLOCK members.) -AWFUL. Wasn't impressed at all.

GARDY LOO-Best band of the whole fest. Major highlight and perfect ending to it. A giant turd tossed through the crowd like a beach ball and songs like "Senior Citizen Sodomy" . I had the best time of all rocking out to these guys who I've always been a fan of!!
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