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Big Papa Goat Big Papa Goat is offline
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Big Papa Goat is probably a spambot
Old Apr 21st, 2006, 01:26 AM       
Seriously though, I think it's a bit lame to be sidetracking this thread into a debate about evolution that we've already had.

Teaching evolution in science classrooms shouldn't be a poltiical issue at all, the very fact that there are religious conervatives trying to politicize the science curriculum is what is ridiculous. There is definitely no liberal political agenda to teach evolution, the people that defend the teaching of evolution in science classrooms are, guess what, scientists that think it should be taught because they think it's a sound theory. It's not a bunch of sinister liberal ideologues trying to teach evolution because it supports their pernicious relativistic anti-religious political philosophy.

I mean, it's not like they're teaching bio-political theory related to evolution in high schools, and frankly, if they were, it'd pretty much definitely be the conservatives doing it. Seriously preechr, point out a liberal political theorist that talks about evolution or biology. I can think of a few that could be called conservatives, but truly no liberals off hand.

All I'm saying is that evolution is not a political issue for anyone that isn't stupid.
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