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Abcdxxxx Abcdxxxx is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Abcdxxxx is probably a spambot
Old Mar 11th, 2003, 03:25 PM       
There were/are Marxist Zionists, Capatilist Zionists, Communist Zionists, Socialist Zionists, Imperialist Zionists, Passivist Zionists, Religious Zionists, Non-Religious Zionists, Jewish Zionist, Non- Jewish Zionists, Arabic Zionists, Cannanite Zionists, World Zionists, American Zionists, Christian Zionists, Muslim Zionists, and so on and so on.
The way I read and hear the word "Zionism" used rarely aknowledges that.

" "Zionism" for him/her is code for anti-semite, clearly."

Yes, seething criticism of such a lose term as Zionism is often disguised antisemetism. Then again it's hard to disguise your hatred when you're quoted as saying "Zionism is shit" as you have.

"Whenever I speak of Zionism as a nationalistic ideology, I ALWAYS make a point to capitalize the word and distinguish it as its own force (like "democrat" and "Democrat," get it Abc????). I am referring to political Zionism. "

So it's okay to make sweeping generalizations when speaking of Islamist (for example) if I differenetiated the words with lower case letters? Does that make the generalizations less so? When you say the word Zionist verbally are you carefull to make a hand gesture so people understand which "version" you're speaking of? Also - Zionism was never a party with a set political idealogy. Ever. It certainly can't be broken up into Big Z little z. Bad Z, tolerable z? Political Zionism, Non-political Zionism? That would be rather black and white of you wouldn't it?

"well, it's a bit naive and revisionist to insinuate that there were no broad, long term intentions by folks such as Herzl " "He DID believe in mass immigration, he DID believe in removing arabs from their land (with full compensation, of course). The timing in Europe and the middle east was right for this kind of a movement. "

Not nearly as revitionist as trying to paint Herzl as some illuminati figure with a devious dictators influence. The mass imigration was happening before the Zionists even organized, by people who had never even heard of Herzl...and last I checked, purchasing land is a perfectly acceptable thing to believe in. It's called real estate trade.

"It's a movement based the creation of a jewish state. Of COURSE you're speaking of Jews. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm merely stating a reality. A Zionist doesn't need to be Jewish. A jew doesn't need to be a Zionist. I agree, they are distinct. "

Did you take a class in this whole upper case lower case thing? Is that like a Marxist thing? Seriously, your grammatical semantics don't make your opinions any more pallatable. Jews (upper case) are different then jews (lower case) now? Is that like screaming "you can't hit me i'm invisible" during dodgeball?

"You will call anybody a bigot who disagrees with you even in the slightest. You will criticize with a condescending tone the "wrong books" we've read, and the "wrong classes" we've taken. If only we could all be truly informed and enlightened as you are, because clearly, your simplistic, black/white perspective on matters MUST be right".

Wrong books, right books...they're just books. You're pretty bold for admitting your opinions were formed in classrooms, and in the pages of text books. I know, you have friends like the United Nations and you've done shrooms a few times but get some humility. Look, there are plenty of gray areas when it comes to any topic, and Zionism is full of them. Fixating, or scapegoating on one aspect of a term like Zionism is ...well....pretty black or white of you isn't it? There are some issues that ARE black or white to those who are impassioned about them. Our right to vote, our right to freedom, the right to chose....these are ALL black and white issues for me. It's interesting to hear Noam Chomksey fans accuse others of being too simple minded or black/white because he is VERY b/w in his message. Passionate causes tend to invoke a more decided stance. When someone is bold enough to say "Zionism is shit" then sure, I will call you a bigot and disagree. You weren't reffering to Arabic Zionists or Canaanite Zionists when you made the comment, you were reffering to one faction... a Jewish one. Lower case Z or not isn't it just a polite way for you of saying "Jews I don't like" or "manipulative Jews and their supporters" ?
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