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Old Jan 10th, 2010, 10:04 PM       
I just read the last part of this thread, so pardon me if I repeat shi* somebody else has already said.

I personally think high intensity training, some cardio, and a proper diet is the best way to lose weight while making gains. So keep that in mind when you read the bottom half of this Dude-Bruh post.

If it matters, I own p90x and used it some years ago. If you follow the instructions and eat correctly, then you'll def be really strong/ripped(this obviously depends on your current physique, the amount you lift, your reps, your diet, and how much you're willing to push yourself).

I don't use it anymore because I've always done high intensity workouts that last about an hour. Plus sometimes I just like going to the gym to use machines that I feel work certain muscles better (resistance machines seem to work my chest a bit better than free weights). P90x is really helpful for people who are too lazy to educate themselves on how the body works, and as well as what it means to have a proper diet. P90x is also helpful for people who don't have the time/money for a gym membership or who are self conscious about their body.

Really at the end of the day this is what I think you should do in order to lose weight and gain muscle:

Change your workout routine every 4-6 weeks with a week or so of rest in between. You can do some light cardio or light weight, but give your body a chance to reset. After it has start working out on the regular basis you normally do, but do completely different exercises that work the same muscles. P90x uses this technique very, very well.

Don't kill yourself in the gym. I personally don't see why anyone should be working out for more than 1 1/2 hours unless they are going for some type of competition or if they have to do full body routines due to their life's schedule. With that said, don't fu*k around in the gym either. If you want to admire Cardio Bunnies and goof off with your buddies then just go to the bar like the rest of America. Take care of business in the gym, don't cheat yourself.

Lift enough weight and keep near perfect form. I noticed that I had plateaued a few months ago and couldn't seem to make anymore gains. I worked on my form and decided to lift 75-80% of my max rep. I generally try to make it to 8 reps before I get completely exhausted. If I can only make it to 2-3, that's fine too. I stop when my form is compromised. When you compromise your form you're only cheating yourself, imo, and also you could really hurt yourself.

Eat, eat, and eat. If you're not eating then you're not growing. You need to eat proper meals and snacks virtually around the clock. I try to eat around 180-220g of protein a day(I know I should be eating more, but I personally don't want to be a "big" guy.). I always try to keep some type of snack in my vehicle so that way I never go a couple of hours without eating something. At the end of the day, I feel that your body looking nice is 85% your diet and 15% working out. I feel that changing your diet is more of a lifestyle change and not a "diet." People ask me if I'm on a diet all the time and I just tell them, "Nah, I just don't eat that shi*." Cokes, fast foods, fried foods, candy, etc. have all been cut out of my diet. I eat some every now and then, but I believe that's how it should be and not the norm.

Don't neglect your core/find your weakest spot. Core exercises may be dull to some (including myself), but they really give you the most bang for your buck. You may not see shredded abs from power cleans or dead lifts, but your strength will shoot through the roof. How many curls can you do? Now how many over hand pull-ups can you do while raising your legs? Which do you think makes you stronger of the two? Find out what you suck at and then fix it because it will probably help the muscles around it grow. For instance I have a buddy who can't seem to get his biceps any bigger, but the dummy won't work on his deltoids. I don't know about yall, but I'm not really use to seeing guys with huge biceps and no shoulders.

Don't worry about what the guy next to you in the gym is doing or what your friends are doing. Fuc* them. Know what you want to look like and learn how to get there. At the end of the day it's about your goals, so don't try to get a big dic* and try to cut corners in order to lift a 100lb dumbell just because Bruto next to you is doing it.

That's all I got for this thread. Once again I didn't read anything but the last page, so sorry if I'm just repeating shi*. Also, I'm not a doctor or scientist or some s*it, so take my advice with that in mind. Also, I feel like such a Dude-Bruh right now that I think I'm going to explode. Plz forgive me for this fgt post.
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