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Old Jul 12th, 2010, 05:49 PM       
Originally Posted by Dimnos View Post
Couldnt almost the same be said about non-smokers walking into bars where smoking is allowed.

The fact is, none of you non-smokers would have this problem if you weren't so weak minded that you had to let yourself get addicted to walked into a bar that allowed smoking in the first place. All you had to do was turn down that first offered cigarette bar you chose (yes chose) to say yes to, and you would not be complaining about your freedom air now because your freedom air would be unaffected by smoking bans. You exercised your freedom of choice when you chose to take that first drag walk into a smoky bar. Now your free choice has a consequence (consequences such as your addiction air and the smoke you supposedly chose not to breath and control over your life and freedoms said addiction has such as forcing you outside to smoke to a different bar)

Freedom of choice does not include freedom from personal responsibility.

Tadao answered this perfectly when he said this

Originally Posted by Tadao View Post
The law was put into effect for the health of the employees, not the customer. That is why you can still smoke in family run businesses.
It all comes down to this: Does the thing I like to do effect the health and safety of others? If it does not, then it should be fine to do so, but if it does (smoking, drinking and driving, etc.) then there needs to be limits. Smoke at your home, smoke in your car, smoke in the designated area most places have for smokers, if you have a way to force the smoke out a window, smoke in your private office. But people are trying to eat, work, (though the bar one is the silliest example [one kind of carcinogen traded for another and all that] I add it in for completeness) and drink in these public restaurants. Private clubs exist for a reason, if smokers need someplace to smoke socially, make a club and do so there. Pipe smokers do it, cigar smokers do it, so why can't cigarette smokers do so?
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