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10,000 Volt Ghost 10,000 Volt Ghost is offline
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Old Feb 11th, 2011, 09:04 AM       
Originally Posted by Guitar Woman View Post
I also got MGS3, which has sucked for the first 4 hours or so

Someone told me it was less cutscene-heavy than the other games, and in my youthful innocence, I believed him

Really, I don't see the point of adding in a bunch of fancy new camouflage mechanics and a wound-healing system if you're never going to let me play the game. I also don't see the reason you even need to put work into purty graffix if you're going to have half of the cutscenes be still images and line-reading; this is something referred to as a Visual Novel, Kojima, and they're supposed to at least have porn in them to keep my interest. I also also don't see the need to even make this a video game, as you obviously have no enthusiasm for audience participation. Why not write a novel, then go to a hospital and read it to patients in traction for 5 hours a day?

Maybe I should have tried out one of those Sly Cooper games for my sneaking jollies.
I love using the aligator headpiece, lying in the water, looking up at a guard then shooting at them.
God speed you meddling kids.
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