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Preechr Preechr is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Preechr is probably a spambot
Old Oct 12th, 2005, 12:02 PM       
So, if Max's right, then not only were you right to mock the pseudo-evangelistic little monkey, but you would have been doing her a favor by going a few steps further, picking up some rocks and staging a good, ol' fashioned stoning.

I like to think that's what Jesus would have done had he caught her using his name so vainly.

Max's and Perndog's comments pretty much sums up why I did not go into the ministry and eventually talked myself out of being a Christian altogether. The idea that life has to be that complex and agonizing ONLY FOR HUMANS sounds way to human for me to easily accept as what God planned.
mburbank~ Yes, okay, fine, I do know what you meant, but why is it not possible for you to get through a paragraph without making all the words cry?

How can someone who obviously thinks so much of their ideas have so little respect for expressing them? How can someone who so yearns to be taken seriously make so little effort?!
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