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OxBlood OxBlood is offline
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Old Sep 21st, 2010, 11:42 AM       
[quote=Fathom Zero;698663]
Besides, I've seen dead bodies rolled out of hotel rooms under bloody sheets every night on the news, since I was born. And it'll still be that way. Famous starlet showing her snatch getting out of an Escalade. It's acceptable to be bombarded with otherwise reprehensible imagery, so long as it's not a game or movie.

None of that should be seen by a child in my opinion, thereīs nothing to gain from that but it can destroy quite a bit in a childīs mind.

Originally Posted by Fathom Zero View Post
I think you should pause and think about your past. Old(er) people seem to find new ways, every generation, to say that the new generation is worse than theirs. It's ageist (learned a new word, thanks for that ). I didn'thave any money growing up, so all my family had was an SNES until 2002 or so, when we got a PS2. I eat, slept, and breathed Super Mario World. I had one game, andI was thinking about it constantly, just as obsessive as if I woud've had Doom. (Obsession in my mind, being far worse than exposure to violent imagery.) When I wasn't playing it, I was talking about it to friends.
Well, I just describe how I percept the world. Being influenced by SO much information all the time is not a very good thing to begin with. Now imagine a lot of that information is violence-themed...canīt have any positive effect on half-developed minds. I donīt think that has anything to do with my generation or the younger generation, it feels like the wind is getting rougher in these past years if that makes any sense in english.

Originally Posted by Fathom Zero View Post
Coincidentally, playing a shit-ton of games as a kid makes you a lot of friends. Just thought I'd put that out there.
I donīt think I really understand what you mean by that.
Playing a lot of games gives you a shitload of pop-culture-reference material, a lot of inside-jokes and some gamer-friends but if you mean something different, I donīt know what you mean Iīm afraid

Originally Posted by Fathom Zero View Post
It's just, people find it really easy to lose perspective, which is sad. I'll never lose connection with how hard it was, sometimes, getting a hold of great games, having people tell me I can't do something, can't watch something, simply because I wasn't of age proper. Suppression of information to youths is disgusting and something I find intolerable.
Depends. There are things that people of a certain age simply shouldnīt do or see, itīs really that simple. You donīt show splatter-movies to a 5 year old, you donīt give a 10 year old hardcore porn, you donīt let a kid drink alcohol, things like these. Iīm not talking about a few months in age difference or something, Iīm talking about years.

I agree that the whole debate about violence in games and how it influences the players is overexaggereting things but still, a kid shouldnīt play things like Gears or Condemned simply because itīs (in most cases) too early for things like that.

Hope that makes sense to you guys, my english is kinda leaving me every now and then
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