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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Chicago, Illinois
GADZOOKS is probably a spambot
Old Aug 5th, 2007, 02:34 PM       
Things are looking up! Though I will need proof that you are over 18, Sam.

Is there any NES emulator that records videos and supports Netplay. It would be a fun idea if we can record the games and then add any audio commentary. Then I can host them onto my Youtube account for all America to see. I'm no good with technology so I leave this to you guys to see if it's plausible.

Edit: 8 will be the magic number but I will allow fill-in's to put their name in the hat in case someone backs out. And if we can get 8 of those then we can have a super tournament (but since there is only 20 adults total on this board, I hazard not)

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