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El Blanco El Blanco is offline
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El Blanco is probably a spambot
Old Aug 7th, 2003, 05:03 PM       
I really don't understand why they are whining over teflon covered bullets. They don't actually pierce armor.

Anyway: What would I do if I were in charge?

I have to make something clear. I in no way shape or form intend to be a benevolent leader. I am there to make things work, bot be a lovey-dovey buddy to everybody. I will put the "dic" in "dictator".

1) Mandatory public service for citizenship. Not neccasserily military service, but everyone will be required to some how dedicate time and effort to the community.

2) Streamline government agencies. I am sick of reading about middle management jack asses whose whole existence is to write a report about how he is indespensable to the government. I won't abolish the IRS, we still need an accounting department, but it is way too bloated.

3) Cut farm subsidies. Sorry, Farmer BrownCorp, but if you can't grasp a simple concept like supply and demand, you shouldn't be running a bussiness.

4) Turn the screws on the Saudis. Hey 17 of 19 highjackers are Saudi, Ossama is Saudi, half the cash funding these outfits comes from SA, and were risking our asses to protect them from Saddam. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

5) Push Women's Rights forward 50 years. I will do more for women's lib with one act than NOW did in the last 20 years. Women will now be required to fill out selective service forms when they turn 18. The glass ceiling will fall soon after.

6) Mandatory uniforms for schools that receive federal funding. I know it isn't the be all and end all to fixing the problems, but its a start.

7) Everywhere we have a base, I will let those people decide if they want us there. South Koreans want us to leave? OK, just don't whine when Kim Jong Il rolls into Seoul.

8) The Palestine issue will be settled by a steel cage death match between Sharon and Arafat.

9) Abortion will be a state issue.

10) Reality shows will be outlawed. If you can't put a quality show on the air, get the fuck out of the bussiness.

11) You will need a permit to have children. Parents doing a shitty job raising a kid put out something 100x more dangerous than a hunter, or fisherman or even a drunk driver.

12) We stop trading with France until they send us Roman Polanski. Fuck them and their bullshit moral superiority. Bunch of hypocrites.

13) The DH and astroturf will be outlawed. And Bud Selig will be forced to actually watch his own team play.
according to my mongoose, anyway.
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