For some reason, the
creators of plush toys seem to have a problem capturing the look of
the Incredible Hulk. I'm no artist by any stretch, but it doesn't seem
like it would be too hard to make a toy that resembles the angry character from
the comic books. Sure, he's changed in the comics a bit over the years,
but in general he's always looked like he should: really pissed off.
Well, after I recently
re-discovered an old photo
of the Incredible Hulk's head that I took, I went searching for
the figure online. During my search, I started noticing all sorts of
horrible artistic renditions of the Hulk's face in many of the plush toys of him
that existed. What's worse, Marvel actually gave their stamp of approval
to most of 'em! So here's a gallery of some of the most horrible looking
Incredible Hulk toys I came across during my search. It's really amazing
how insanely drastic the variations from toy to toy actually are. And you
wondered why he's always been so angry...
The "I Just Want A Hug!"
The "Demented Son The
Parents Hide From Society" Hulk
The "Drank Too Much Red
Bull" Hulk
The "I Can Look Like
Christopher Lloyd Too" Hulk
The "You Can't Make Me
Smile" Hulk
The "Jolly Green Giant's
Son" Hulk
The "Hangover From Hell"
The "I Believe In Miracles"
The "I'm Too Fucking Shiny!"
The "Who You Lookin' At,
Punk?" Hulk
The "My Head Looks Like A
Goddamned Toilet Bowl Cleaner" Hulk
The "I Hate My Life" Hulk
The "Sorta Maybe Kinda Not
Really Threatening" Hulk
The "Why Did God Create Me?"
The "Pea-Green Abortion"
The "How'd I Get This Afro?"
The "Incredibly Forgettable"
The "Trouser Sausage" Hulk
This last Hulk plush toy was
actually discovered at the Brighton Pier and made national headlines. Why?
Because someone decided this line of hulk toys needed penises. Read the
story behind it is
here. You can also see more photos of this wangtastic Hulk here.
This will be an ongoing
gallery, so if you have photos of some Incredible Hulk
plush toys that aren't already featured on this page, please
email them to me!