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Title: 3 Ninjas Kick Back
Author:Sony Imagesoft/Malibu Interactive
Rom Player: zsnes
Reviewer: SpazBoy

Synopsis: 3 Ninjas kick back is based loosely on the excellent children's martial arts flick "3 Ninjas Kick Back".

The movie had the three heroes (Colt, Rocky & Tum Tum) learning the value of teamwork as they battled to save their endangered grandpa. Now I'm not completely sure what's going on in this game, I haven't played it right through, but it involves a lot of running, jumping ninja attacks etc.

The graphics in this game are very stylish and cartoony, and the soundtrack is pumpin' to the max! I love the music in this game!

Best Cheats: Nothing Entered

Game Play: 8
Graphics: 10
Music/Sound: 10
Originality: 6
Overall Rating: 8

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