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Title: Captain Commando
Rom Player: ZSNES
Reviewer: Bad Mr. Frosty

Synopsis: I love this game! The first time I ever saw Capt. Commando was on the inside of the Mega Man 2 manual for NES. Capcom was saying that Mega Man 2 was part of the Captain Commando "Challenge Series"
The manual was dated 1988. He was just an image used to ''mascot'' for Capcom in the late 80s. In fact, the shooters known as 1942 and 1943 for the NES are called ''The Captain Commando Series: 1942(3)''. Well finally in 1991 they gave the man his own game and they did a killer job on it too.

Captain Commando..... almost everyone has heard of him. He was in Marvel VS Capcom 1 and 2. Few know that he was just an image used to ''mascot'' for Capcom in the late 80s. In fact, the shooters known as 1942 and 1943 for the NES are called ''The Captain Commando Series: 1942(3)''. Well finally they gave the man his own game and they did a killer job on it too.

You'd expect someone has been kidnapped, right? Nope. Is a bad overlord trying to take over the world? Nope. The most powerful drug simply must be stomped so the youth of the world will be safe. Now that’s cool. Somewhat original and drugs are stupid anyways so it all works out. It's up to you as Captain Commando or one of his friends, a mummy named Mack The Knife, Babyhead who is walking rocket launcher bot built and controlled by a genius infant, and Ginzu, a ninja who reminds me of Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden. There are no stat differences, so your pick is just a personal choice. Mack the Mummy is my favorite.

Very responsive. Cap and friends go where you tell them with the D pad. The attacks come out at soon as you hit the button, jumps are easy to control and simple to pull the few combos off that are in the game.

The graphics are great! You can see small details such as Caps shades and Mack's eyes peering through his bandages. Enemies make ''OH MAN MY SPLEEN!!'' face when you smack them around. They're above average, you don’t get bored with them.

You get the fist-hitting-face sound when you get your enemy or get hit. Both you and the enemies scream when you die. Ginzu's sword and Mack's knives make the air cutting sound when you miss an enemy. Rockets go boom and Caps special attack makes the electricity (Zzzttt!!!) sound. The music is kinda blah but you be hearing much of it due the hordes of enemy screams and attacks going on in the 95% of the game.

You'd think its a another Final Fight clone and well... it is but man it's fun. Just knowing that the enemy is some drug junkie and you’re a super hero with killer moves to smash his face in makes it fun. For once you feel as you are the favored winner in these kind of games and the bad guys are the under dogs. You should have a blast with this one. If you have an SNES emulator, you should download this one right away.

Best Cheats: Couldn't find any.

Game Play: 9
Graphics: 9
Music/Sound: 7
Originality: 9
Overall Rating: 9


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